Eduard Belitser

Department of Mathematics, VU Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1111, 1081 HV Amsterdam



The main research interests are in mathematical statistics, in particular:

Publications, preprints, submitted, ongoing (in reverse chronological order)

  1. General framework for projection structures.
    E. Belitser and N. Nurushev. Submitted.
  2. Robust estimation of sparse signal with unknown sparsity cluster value.
    E. Belitser, N. Nurushev and P. Serra. To appear in 4th ISNPS, Salerno, Italy, June 2018, Springer (2020).
  3. Empirical Bayes oracle uncertainty quantification for regression.
    E. Belitser and S. Ghosal. Ann. Stat., 48, 3113-3137 (2020).
  4. Needles and straw in a haystack: robust empirical Bayes confidence for possibly sparse sequences.
    E. Belitser and N. Nurushev. Bernoulli, 26, 191-225 (2020).
  5. Local inference by penalization method for biclustering model.
    E. Belitser and N. Nurushev. Math. Methods Statist., 27, 163-183 (2018).
  6. Contributed Discussion on paper by Yao, Vehtari, Simpson, and Gelman.
    E. Belitser and N. Nurushev. Bayesian Analysis, 13, 992-993 (2018).
  7. Contributed comment on article by Wade and Ghahramani.
    E. Belitser and N. Nurushev. Bayesian Analysis, 13, 606-607 (2018).
  8. Contributed comment on article by van der Pas, Szabo, and van der Vaart.
    E. Belitser and N. Nurushev. Bayesian Analysis, 12, 1267-1269 (2017).
  9. Local posterior concentration rate for multilevel sparse sequences.
    E. Belitser and N. Nurushev. Bayesian Statistics in Action, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 194, 51-66 (2017).
  10. On coverage and local radial rates of credible sets.
    E. Belitser. Ann. Stat., 45, 1124-1151 (2017).
  11. Optimal measurement allocation under precision budget constraint.
    E. Belitser. Statist. Probab. Lett., 117, 46-53 (2016).
  12. Recursive tracking algorithm for a predictable time-varying parameter of a time series.
    E. Belitser and P. Serra. Math. Methods Statist., 24, 243-265 (2015).
  13. Rate-optimal Bayesian intensity smoothing for inhomogeneous Poisson processes.
    E. Belitser, P. Serra and H. van Zanten. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 166, 24-35 (2015).
  14. Recursive estimation of conditional spatial medians and conditional quantiles.
    E. Belitser and P. Serra. Sequential Analysis, 33, 519-538 (2014).
  15. Adaptive priors based on splines with random knots.
    E. Belitser and P. Serra. Bayesian Analysis, 9, 859-882 (2014).
  16. Estimating the period of a cyclic non-homogeneous Poisson process.
    E. Belitser, P. Serra and H. van Zanten. Scand. J. Statist., 40, 204-218 (2013).
  17. On properties of the algorithm for pursuing a drifting quantile.
    E. Belitser and P. Serra. Autom. and Rem. Control, 74, 613-627 (2013).
  18. Optimal two-stage procedures for estimating location and size of maximum of multivariate regression functions.
    E. Belitser, S. Ghosal and H. van Zanten. Ann. Stat., 40, 2850-2876 (2012).
  19. Oracle Wiener filtering of a Gaussian signal.
    A. Babenko and E. Belitser. Theory Stoch. Process., 17, 16-24 (2011).
  20. Lower bound for the oracle projection posterior convergence rate.
    A. Babenko and E. Belitser. Statist. Probab. Lett., 81, 175-180 (2011).
  21. Oracle convergence rate of posterior under projection prior and Bayesian model selection.
    A. Babenko and E. Belitser. Math. Methods Statist., 19, 219-245 (2010).
  22. On posterior pointwise convergence rate of a Gaussian signal under a conjugate prior.
    A. Babenko and E. Belitser. Statist. Probab. Lett., 79, 670-675 (2009).
  23. Adaptive filtration of a random signal in Gaussian white noise.
    E. Belitser and F. Enikeeva. Probl. Inf. Transm., 44, 48-60 (2008).
  24. Empirical Bayesian test for the smoothness.
    E. Belitser and F. Enikeeva. Math. Methods Statist., 17, 1-18 (2008).
  25. On asymptotic expansion of pseudovalues in nonparametric median regression.
    E. Belitser. Statistics & Decisions, 22, 1-17 (2004).
  26. On the empirical Bayes approach to adaptive filtering.
    E. Belitser and B. Levit. Math. Methods Statist., 12, 131-154 (2003).
  27. Adaptive Bayesian inference on the mean of an infinite dimensional normal distribution.
    E. Belitser and S. Ghosal. Ann. Stat., 31, 536-559 (2003).
  28. Consistency in nonparametric minimax regression estimation.
    E. Belitser. Comm. in Statistics, 31, 1159-1165 (2002).
  29. Minimax recovery of blurred signal from discrete noisy data.
    E. Belitser. J. Nonparametr. Statist., 13, 647-667 (2001).
  30. Asymptotically local minimax estimation of infinitely smooth density with censored data.
    E. Belitser and B. Levit. Ann. of Inst. Stat. Math., 53, 289-306 (2001).
  31. Robust recursive nonparametric curve estimation.
    E. Belitser and S. van de Geer. High Dimensional Probability II,
    E. Gine, D.M. Mason and J.A. Wellner (eds.), 391-404, Birkhauser (2000).
  32. Local minimax pointwise estimation of a multivariate density.
    E. Belitser. Statist. Neerl., 54, 351-365 (2000).
  33. Recursive estimation of a drifted autoregressive parameter.
    E. Belitser. Ann. Stat., 28, 860-870 (2000).
  34. Minimax estimation in regression and random censorship models.
    E. Belitser. CWI Tract 127, CWI, Amsterdam (2000).
  35. Minimax estimation in the blurred signal model.
    E. Belitser. In: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Series,
    B. Grigelionis, J. Kubilius, V. Paulauskas, H. Pragarauskas, V. Statulevicius (eds.), 57-66, TEV (1999).
  36. Efficient estimation of analytic density under random censorship.
    E. Belitser. Bernoulli, 4, 519-543 (1998).
  37. Asymptotically minimax nonparametric regression in L2.
    E. Belitser and B.Y. Levit. Statistics, 28, 105-122 (1996).
  38. On minimax filtering over ellipsoids.
    E. Belitser and B.Y. Levit. Math. Methods Statist., 4, 259-273 (1995).
  39. On minimax estimation over ellipsoids.
    E. Belitser and B.Y. Levit. In: Information theory, statistical decision functions, random processes,
    P. Lachout and J.A. Visek (eds.), 28-31, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (1994).
  40. Pseudovalues and minimax filtering algorithms for the nonparametric median.
    E. Belitser and A.P. Korostelev. Adv. in Sov. Math., 12, 115-124 (1992).
  41. On the ergodic properties in dynamical model of stepping devices.
    E. Belitser and A.V. Safonov. In: Methods of applied mathematics for investigating technical systems and mathematical software,
    dep. VINITI, MAI, Moscow (1989).