Istvan Haller

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PhD Student 
Vrije Universiteit, Faculty of Sciences ,
Dept. of Computer Science, Computer Systems section
Systems and Network Security group

Mailing address:

Istvan Haller
Faculty of Sciences
Dept. of Computer Science
Vrije Universiteit
De Boelelaan 1081A
1081 HV
The Netherlands

Email: Search on webmail
Room number: P4.55

Optional course: Guide into low-level system programming


  • 17-03-2014: Lecture 5 up (with audio)

  • 11-03-2014: Lecture 4 up (with audio)

  • 28-02-2014: Lecture 3 up (with audio)

  • 25-02-2014: Lecture 2 up (with audio)

  • 19-02-2014: Lecture 1 up (with audio)

  • 06-02-2014: Lecture 0 up (with audio)

  • 05-02-2014: New year of lecturing started, old slides still available


Starting the 5th of February we will organize a set of optional lectures aimed at introducing you to low level programming concepts. These lectures are mainly aimed at students attending the Computer and Network Security course (and its follow up Binary and Malware Analysis). However anyone interested in knowing how is executed on their machines, is definitely welcome.

The lectures grant no credits and attendance is optional. If you feel that your knowledge in this area is suitable already, then feel free to skip it. If you are unsure and would like to see what the lecture is all about, feel free to attend the first lecture which will introduces the main concepts.

A summary of the topics as follows:
1) Programmer's view on Computer Architecture: a summary of Computer Architecture focused on the core concepts relevant when programming your processor directly. (1 session)
2) Introductory and Advanced Concepts of Assembly Language: introduction to the language used to program your processor without the interference of compilers, interpreters etc. aimed to give you the ability to understand such code and start you on your way to program. (2 sessions)
3) Assembly Language in Practice: presentation of tools and environments that are useful when developing programs in assembly language as well as some fun topics for mini-projects. (2 sessions)


A number of 7 session from the 5th of February as follows.
Changes in schedule will be updated on the website.

  • Session 0 : Introductory lecture
  • Session 1 : Programmer's view on Computer Architecture
  • Session 2 : Introduction to X86 assembly
  • Session 3 : Advanced topics in X86 assembly
  • Session 4 : Programming system code
  • Session 5 : Interacting with X86 hardware devices
  • Session 6 : Modern concepts in Computer Architectures (to be decided)


Additional materials


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