
Wim Ubachs

Professor of Atomic, Molecular and Laser Physics
Senior scientist at the Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography

Special Issue of Molecular Physics in honor of Professor Wim Ubachs
Link to Preface of Festschrift

ERC-Advanced grant of Prof. Dr. Wim Ubachs (2015); Abstract

"Farewell Speech" at occasion of formal retirement
Laser Spectroscopy, the most accurate branch of Science
Amsterdam 21 Oct 2022

ORCID iD iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-7840-3756
Research-ID: F-5649-2011

Picture of the Atomic, Molecular and Laser physics group (25 May 2018)

Interview in Ad Valvas: Dutch Astrochemistry

Duo-interview in FOM-Jaarboek 2015 with Oscar Versolato on collaboration at ARCNL

ERC Proof of Concept RESPIRA; set up by Edcel Salumbides

Video Impression of our Laboratory

  • Research group QML (head)
  • Staff QML
  • Email and Address
  • Short CV
  • Vacancies/Jobs
  • My Google Scholar
  • Publications
  • Talks
  • Collaborations
  • Varying constants ? H2
  • Varying constants ? Methanol
  • QED tests in He and H2
  • Atmospheric processes
  • XUV-lasers
Funding Programs
  • NL eEDM program
  • New Frontiers in Cosmology
  • Dutch Astrochemistry Network
  • Proton Size Puzzle
  • PhD students
  • Lecture notes
  • Undergraduate projects
  • LaserLaB Amsterdam
  • Laserlab Europe
  • Scientific Journals
Uitleg van onderzoek 
  • "Een laser weegschaal"
  • "Materie geen spat veranderd"
  • "Spookdeeltjes in Moleculen"
  • "Een zwaar Bohr atoom"
In de Pers 
  • "Kwispelende lichtstraal"
  • "Aeolus weersatelliet"
  • "Ultrapreciese Metingen"
  • "Wij zijn Sterrenstof"
  • Hollands Dagboek NRC
  • Natuurconstanten in de Pers
  • Some Pictures
  • Oratie
  • Stamboom Ubachs
  • My sons soccer team

Atomic, Molecular and Laser Physics - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Address: De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Telephone:+31(0)205987892 Fax:+31(0)205987992